Thursday, April 14, 2011

Disc Magnets: More Than Just Attracting And Repelling

Magnets have become an underlying necessity without you noticing it; they are so powerful that even in just a small piece would already suffice in storing much memory, and they are so useful that even your laptop, media player, and just even your simple calculator have them as an essential part. And guess what? They are the culprit behind how these gadgets go smaller and smaller from time to time. But just about any other thing that offers you genuine service and caters to all your needs with sheer limitations, these magnets have also the downside of being dangerous.

Defining Neodymium Magnets

Though these neodymium disc magnets have been labeled as one of the rare earth elements, they seem to be plentiful in many ways than one. These magnets are actually abundant in the Earth’s crust only that they are in powder form making it hard for man to mine large quantities as they also are unevenly spread all over place. There is actually a variation in magnets: variation that is usually brought about by their differences in several properties. Three properties distinguish neodymium magnets from the rest: their remanence, coercivity, and value of energy products. Remanence refers to strength of the magnetic field exuded by a magnet. Coercivity is simply how a magnet resists demagnetism or the degeneration of its poles. And the value of energy products refers to the quantity of magnetic energy being emitted by a magnet. Neodymium magnets have the highest concentration properties within them separating them from the other types.

Value And Usefulness

Since these neodymium magnets offer great magnetic strength even in small quantities, you are sure to find them in almost any gadget, machine, and equipment you have in your home. Cordless tools, DIY drills, and other motor-driven appliances have become a commonplace for these magnets. Hard disks, computers, and laptops also utilize this type of magnet to maintain their functionality.


Magnets are also regarded as dangerous especially to kids. Since most toys out in the market today make use of magnets, even in just the minutest form, to bring about apparent attraction to how these toys could function, children have become exposed to the danger that these magnets offer. When a child swallows a single piece of magnet, it wouldn’t sound that alarming. But when a child swallows two, then, an impending trouble is just underneath. As these magnets have poles in them, any attraction between the two could cause an obstruction leading the case to a serious level. Disc Magnets.

Magnets are one of the world’s fascinating gifts; their usefulness in almost any industry, field, and work is more than enough for you to consider them as such. You can find them in almost any motor-driven appliance you have at home, inside your laptops, and even in some of your toys. But be careful, these magnets remain to have trouble in between their poles.

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